Nestablish allows you to create custom letters to meet company-specific requirements. To do so:
- Log into Nestablish
- Navigate to Settings (gear icon) > Letter Templates
- Click Create New Template
- Choose the State/license the letter is for (if you only have one state license set up under your account, you should be pushed through to the next step automatically).
- Set the Template Title (this is not seen by the buyer and is just a way for you to identify it).
- Set the Logo and/or Header style (there are two buttons over the example view: Change Logo and Change Header, but they currently run together a bit)
- Enter the text of your letter and configure the footer as needed.
- Click Preview & Save
- If you're happy with the preview, click Save at the bottom of the popup window.
If you have existing loans that you want to apply this to, you will need to delete the current loan and re-add it. Setting a loan's use of custom letters is only available during loan creation.
When you create a new loan, find the section labeled Letter Template and a checkbox labeled Allow access to custom letter templates. By checking that box, you'll be able to choose the template you want to use for the loan from the drop-down list. Note that it will only show templates that are associated with that state as options for the loan letter's template.